Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Adding Creatives To A Tactic

A tactic can have one or more creatives associated with it.


  1. Select the tactic in the tactic bar.
  2. Choose a creative type from the drop-down. Each tactic can have one or more of the following types of creatives associated with it:
    • Output File
    • Send a Message
    • Omni
    • Tridion Email
  3. Click the Add button.
  4. Name is a mandatory field, and therefore the Campaign cannot be processed without it. If the creative name is not visible on your screen click the button to move the tactic and its tabs upwards on the screen.


Channel Type refers to the channel used and cannot be amended.

A configuration screen will be displayed to the right. Each type of creative has its own configuration options.

  1. Delete a creative by selecting it and clicking the icon.


Green icons are added on the Tactic Bar to indicate creatives have been added to a Tactic. In the following example, the tactic has two creatives attached to it, a Send a Message and an Output file.

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